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Showing posts from August, 2017

Syncro Design Works RTAB Group Buy

Now that the car will have Turner Motorsport FCAB's and ECS Tuning RSM's it seemed only fitting to get some monoball design RTAB's as well. I had been researching these on and off as part of selecting the other monoballs for the car but hadn't fully decided yet as I still had basically new PowerFlex RTAB's installed. I found there was a few options out there: Dinan Fall-Line Motorsport Syncro Design Works BimmerWorld Turner Motorsport   There may be others but these are all I was able to find and look into during my search. From what I have researched the Dinan option are supposed to be amazing, with nothing but positive reviews, although they are also easily the most expensive. The BimmerWorld option have also been around for a while, with mixed reviews. The two new options to market are the Fall-Line Motorsport and Syncro Design Works. Both seem to be great options set at a reasonable price point. Not a terribly large amount of details on each (in terms of