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Showing posts from 2019

Karbonius CSL Carbon Fibre Roof Find

So hanging around on the Australia sub-forum of E46Fanatics the other day I stumbled across someone trying to part with a brand new Karbonius CSL Carbon Fibre Roof. Didn't think much of it to start with, it's something I always planned to do in the long run but since all the spending on my build thus far it was a step too far in costs. Although after a few days of no one snapping it up, which i was surprised by, I decided to get in contact with the guy and see if we could make a deal that suited us both. Turns out we could, he needed to part with it and I had a desire to get it under market value and we met amicably in the middle. So now with zero planning or preparation, or general thought on other parts required or costs involved, I have myself a Karbonius CSL Carbon Fibre Roof!