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Showing posts from July, 2015

Blown Engine...

Now that I have unfortunately discovered that the engine is blown with damage on the Cylinder wall between Cylinder 1 and Cylinder 2 I have to decide what to do about it. I spoke to a local engine builder (Head Torque) and he started out convinced that it would be fixable but once I got him to actually come and have a look he was not as hopeful. Below I have captured some more photos of the damage. I then managed to find another engine builder (BM Autohaus), through a contact over at BM Techniks, who worked specifically with BMW engines. He was more confident that it could be fixed by sleeving the motor before rebuilding. Unfortunately his price was quite high for what would otherwise be a completely stock rebuild and I do not particularly like the idea of sleeving high revving motors. So again I was basically left with a useless hunk of motor. I have decided to start looking for a second hand motor or watch out for full E46 M3 wreck's at auction where I could sa